Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011


this post won't talk about new movie coming out, most anticipated feline hero "Puss in boot" this post is about my new fanfic it called " Fluffy Black Pearl" from huan zhu ge ge fandom, n this is my blog as cat lover, sure i want make fanfic that mix my 2 interests Huan zhu ge ge and cat.

this time i try to upload my work, but due to I've just sign up, it take time to post my story, really, i can't patiently wait for 2 days more, altaugh I've finished yet translate it. Recently spend most my leisure time to read Huan Zhu ge ge fanfic until my eyes sullen becoz I was waking along night, read fanfic from my hp. But after i finished it I always got annoyed, becoz i don't like the ending or the Xiao Yan Zi temper. Most of fanfic end with Xiao Yan Zi live with Xiao Jian become commoner in Dali, that's not settle problem like in screen. the drama called Huan Zhu ge ge, why in the end they should leave palace? in they have to live as commoner, the drama should tittled "Qing Dinasty Shrek" "Chinese Shrek". and the story always about Xiao Yan Zi antic, fight, hurt, dying, still make mistake, gullible,  Yongqi's such paranoid husband, n hate Xiao jian story about Fang family, always end up with Xiao Yan Zi take revenge, how can she so gullible to someone who just a minute she know, why she doesn't remember how sweet his love to her. and i hate she abandon ziwei in beijing, if the story end like that, why she had to sworn as sister to Ziwei. Why Xiao Yan Zi so selfish. I hate the author torture our loving character, got blid, jailed, coma, abandon, yongqi has affair

We saw over year the cast Xiao Yan Zi, Vicki Zhao changed alot from cute doll to graceful beauty, from happy go lucky to considerate mother. from serial queen to box office queen. I want the story goes like her story, how beautiful her story, she accomplish everything in showbiz industry.

so my story will tell that finally she mastered one skill, being devoted wife but in the same time still doing her antick, and play a prank in the palace. so as i told you in the begining, shrek needs puss in boot to nourish the story so i will call my hero puss to be star in my fanfic, i hate Xiao Jian thing so will make him get permit so easy from loufuye. I will let Xiao Yan Zi and Ziwei play with Zhi Hua and Guiseppe ( i promise i won't let him be Benjamin, the mister perfect) he come with all his flaw, he don't know about kungfu, can't write chinese character, just expert in architecture and painting, moreover he bad in flirt women but always try to woo every woman but end with red cheek (got slap he he). Zhi Hua ot other woman here she is girl with dignity. she is Xiao Jian student in Haining and got crush with him, but Xiao Jian abandon her to search Xiao Yanzi. She Waiting for 2 years, but everything do wrong. i try to make Xiao jian less perfect.